A Child's Place maintains written policies that guide our approach to major issues and provide a common understanding of many practical and safety related issues. Our policies reflect current state and federal regulations as well as best practices in early childhood educaiton. We suggest that all parents become familiar with our policies and we encourage you to contact your child's head teacher or the Executive Director if you have any questions. Our programs and policies reflect the contributions of all involved and are updated regularly to reflect parent feedback as well as changes in state and federal regulations and best professional practices.
All staff at A Child’s Place are mandated reporters and required by State Law to report any indications of child abuse, suspected child abuse or neglect. All reports must be filed within 24 hours as defined by DCF and be followed up by a written report within 48 hours. Staff will be provided with annual in-service training to make them fully aware of any changes in State Laws or Policies. An orientation will also be provided throughout the course of the year for newly employed staff. Appropriate references will be available for both parents and staff.
1. Definition of Abuse is as Follows:
A non-accidental injury to a child which, regardless of motive, is inflicted or allowed to be inflicted by the person responsible for the child’s care. This includes any injury, which is at variance with the history given maltreatment such as, but not limited to malnutrition, sexual molestation, deprivation of necessities, emotional maltreatment or cruel punishment.
2. Definition of Neglect is as Follows:
The failure, whether intentional or not, of the person responsible for the child’s care to provide and maintain adequate food, clothing, medical care, supervision, and/or education. A child may be found neglected who:
A. Has been abandoned.
B. Is being denied proper care and attention physically, educationally, emotionally, or morally.
C. Is being permitted to live under conditions, circumstances, or associations injurious to his well being.
D. Is being abused.
Any suspected child abuse or neglect will be reported by the staff member and director in accordance with State mandates. A Child’s Place will call the 1-800-842-2288 hotline to report any of the above noted. The DCF 136 form will be completed and submitted within 48 hours of being reported. One copy of the DCF 136 form will be retained at A Child’s Place and one will be sent to:
The Department of Children and Family
170 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT. 06105
Our administrative responsibilities are to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to:
1. The Executive Director
2. DCF
If the suspected abuse is in the facility then staff members will be temporarily reassigned to duties involving no child contact until the issue has been resolved. If a staff member is found guilty of abuse or neglect their employment at our facility will be terminated immediately. Early Childhood personnel are legally mandated by the state of Connecticut to report any signs of abuse and/or neglect of children. The local law enforcement agency will be notified to any situation that may compromise the safety of children in our care; this would include releasing your child to any adult who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A Child’s Place will abide by the findings of either/or both of these agencies.
All staff at A Child’s Place are mandated reporters and required by State Law to report any indications of child abuse, suspected child abuse or neglect. All reports must be filed within 24 hours as defined by DCF and be followed up by a written report within 48 hours. Staff will be provided with annual in-service training to make them fully aware of any changes in State Laws or Policies. An orientation will also be provided throughout the course of the year for newly employed staff. Appropriate references will be available for both parents and staff.
1. Definition of Abuse is as Follows:
A non-accidental injury to a child which, regardless of motive, is inflicted or allowed to be inflicted by the person responsible for the child’s care. This includes any injury, which is at variance with the history given maltreatment such as, but not limited to malnutrition, sexual molestation, deprivation of necessities, emotional maltreatment or cruel punishment.
2. Definition of Neglect is as Follows:
The failure, whether intentional or not, of the person responsible for the child’s care to provide and maintain adequate food, clothing, medical care, supervision, and/or education. A child may be found neglected who:
A. Has been abandoned.
B. Is being denied proper care and attention physically, educationally, emotionally, or morally.
C. Is being permitted to live under conditions, circumstances, or associations injurious to his well being.
D. Is being abused.
Any suspected child abuse or neglect will be reported by the staff member and director in accordance with State mandates. A Child’s Place will call the 1-800-842-2288 hotline to report any of the above noted. The DCF 136 form will be completed and submitted within 48 hours of being reported. One copy of the DCF 136 form will be retained at A Child’s Place and one will be sent to:
The Department of Children and Family
170 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT. 06105
Our administrative responsibilities are to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to:
1. The Executive Director
2. DCF
If the suspected abuse is in the facility then staff members will be temporarily reassigned to duties involving no child contact until the issue has been resolved. If a staff member is found guilty of abuse or neglect their employment at our facility will be terminated immediately. Early Childhood personnel are legally mandated by the state of Connecticut to report any signs of abuse and/or neglect of children. The local law enforcement agency will be notified to any situation that may compromise the safety of children in our care; this would include releasing your child to any adult who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A Child’s Place will abide by the findings of either/or both of these agencies.