A Child's Place maintains written policies that guide our approach to major issues and provide a common understanding of many practical and safety related issues. Our policies reflect current state and federal regulations as well as best practices in early childhood educaiton. We suggest that all parents become familiar with our policies and we encourage you to contact your child's head teacher or the Executive Director if you have any questions. Our programs and policies reflect the contributions of all involved and are updated regularly to reflect parent feedback as well as changes in state and federal regulations and best professional practices.
Staff who are certified in the administration of medicine will administer medicine in accordance with CT State regulations only to children in our First Steps Program. Children in the School Year Programs also can be administered non-prescription topical medications. The only exception is a child who requires emergency administration of a life saving medication. The guidelines for administration will be established in advance under the direction of a physician.
The following medications will be administered only if parents and staff are in compliance with required stipulations:
Staff who are certified in the administration of medicine will administer medicine in accordance with CT State regulations only to children in our First Steps Program. Children in the School Year Programs also can be administered non-prescription topical medications. The only exception is a child who requires emergency administration of a life saving medication. The guidelines for administration will be established in advance under the direction of a physician.
The following medications will be administered only if parents and staff are in compliance with required stipulations:
- Non-Prescription Topical Medications: Limited to diaper changing ointments free of antibiotic, anti-fungal, or steroidal components; medical powder; teething medications and sunblock.
- Parental Responsibilities – Completion of attached nonprescription topical medication form written in ink. Each line of the form must be completed. Medications must be stored in original container label with child’s name, date delivered and directions for administration and parent’s signature.
- Administration of non-prescription topical medications (not listed above), over the counter medications and prescription drugs.
[Click here to download medical administration form.]- Parental Responsibilities – A licensed physician must complete and sign a medical administration record written in ink. No scratch outs, white outs or scribbles are permitted. Medication must be stored in its original container with the child’s name clearly stated. It is the parent’s responsibility to be sure the form is correct and complete. Only original orders will be accepted. Faxed or copied orders are not permissible.
- Injectable Medications and Inhalants – Injectable medication will only be administered in the case of a life-threatening situation by staff certified in such administration. Inhalant medication will only be administered in the case of an illness, which needs daily attention (short term or long term), or in the case of a potential life-threatening situation. Such medication must be submitted in accordance with parent responsibilities outlined for prescription medications. It is extremely important if your child uses an inhaler or epipen that it remains at A Child’s Place.
- Staff Responsibilities – Staff members must check that the form is completed and filled out properly. Administration must be recorded on the reverse side of the authorization and signed by the provider (except in the case of a topical med. described in section 1.). Administration form will become part of child’s permanent record and any left over/ unused medicine shall be returned to the parent or destroyed within one week of the termination of the order. This pertains only to staff who are certified in the administration of medication. Staff will be trained once a year for injectable medications and every three years for oral, topical and inhalant medications.
- Storage of Medications – Non prescription topical medications as described in section 1 must be stored out of reach of children in a sealed container. All other medications must be stored in a locked box (refrigerated and unrefrigerated) and be kept out of reach of the children. Controlled substances must be stored in a double locked container.
- Errors in Administration of Medication – If a dose is omitted and it is less than 2 hours before it is discovered, staff will give the dose and notify the parent at pick up. A notation will be recorded and circled on the administrative record as well as brought to the attention of the Head Teacher. If the omission is 2 or more hours late staff will contact the parent or physician upon discovery. The Head Teacher and administrator will be notified. If improper dosage is given first the physician and then the parent will be notified. It will be recorded on the record and circled. Finally the Head Teacher and Administration will be notified.