A Child's Place maintains written policies that guide our approach to major issues and provide a common understanding of many practical and safety related issues. Our policies reflect current state and federal regulations as well as best practices in early childhood educaiton. We suggest that all parents become familiar with our policies and we encourage you to contact your child's head teacher or the Executive Director if you have any questions. Our programs and policies reflect the contributions of all involved and are updated regularly to reflect parent feedback as well as changes in state and federal regulations and best professional practices.
The staff at A Child's Place makes every effort to keep your child healthy. We have established procedures for staff and children to help aid in preventing the spread of illness among children. These standards include: proper and frequent hand washing for adults and children, adult use of latex gloves, use of individual cribs/cots, places for storing individual bedding, regular sanitation of toys and eating surfaces, a professional cleaning staff nightly, and a HEPA air filtration system for the benefit of the youngest children in our Infant Daycare Program.
There will be times when your child will need to be at home because of illness. Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, children may need to be excluded from child care. If a child is in school and symptoms develop or worsen during the day, a parent or another authorized person is required to pick up the ill child within one hour of notification by staff.
There will be times when your child will need to be at home because of illness. Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, children may need to be excluded from child care. If a child is in school and symptoms develop or worsen during the day, a parent or another authorized person is required to pick up the ill child within one hour of notification by staff.
This policy requires a specific period of time at home for many childhood illnesses. The general wellness of the child and their ability to cope with the demands of a group setting are important considerations in making a decision about attendance. Please note that if a child is sent home during the day we expect that child to stay out the entire next day. For example: if a child is sent home on Monday, the child may not return until Wednesday morning. This assumes that the symptoms that led to the exclusion are not present on Tuesday.
Exclusions for reasons that do not appear to have a strictly medical basis may also be necessary. For example: a child may appear "fine" at home but may not feel well enough to participate comfortably in the normal days activities (such as outdoor play). It is possible that the demands of taking care of a sick child will take away from the standard of care the other children deserve.
Children occasionally require medication to be administered during school hours. An Administration of Medication form must be completed for staff to give children medication. This refers to 12-month programs. It excludes a non-aspirin product. Parents are encouraged to provide additional time at home for rest and recovery from illness.
The following criteria will provide you with the information needed for our exclusion and readmittance policy at A Child's Place.
Coxsackie Virus/Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Strep Throat
Undiagnosed Rash
Bronchiolitis and RSV
Chicken Pox
Croup and Pneumonia
For example: A diagnosed ear infection, sinus infection, etc.
Other Reasons for Exclusion
The staff at A Child's Place makes every effort to keep your child healthy. We have established procedures for staff and children to help aid in preventing the spread of illness among children. These standards include: proper and frequent hand washing for adults and children, adult use of latex gloves, use of individual cribs/cots, places for storing individual bedding, regular sanitation of toys and eating surfaces, a professional cleaning staff nightly, and a HEPA air filtration system for the benefit of the youngest children in our Infant Daycare Program.
There will be times when your child will need to be at home because of illness. Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, children may need to be excluded from child care. If a child is in school and symptoms develop or worsen during the day, a parent or another authorized person is required to pick up the ill child within one hour of notification by staff.
There will be times when your child will need to be at home because of illness. Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, children may need to be excluded from child care. If a child is in school and symptoms develop or worsen during the day, a parent or another authorized person is required to pick up the ill child within one hour of notification by staff.
This policy requires a specific period of time at home for many childhood illnesses. The general wellness of the child and their ability to cope with the demands of a group setting are important considerations in making a decision about attendance. Please note that if a child is sent home during the day we expect that child to stay out the entire next day. For example: if a child is sent home on Monday, the child may not return until Wednesday morning. This assumes that the symptoms that led to the exclusion are not present on Tuesday.
Exclusions for reasons that do not appear to have a strictly medical basis may also be necessary. For example: a child may appear "fine" at home but may not feel well enough to participate comfortably in the normal days activities (such as outdoor play). It is possible that the demands of taking care of a sick child will take away from the standard of care the other children deserve.
Children occasionally require medication to be administered during school hours. An Administration of Medication form must be completed for staff to give children medication. This refers to 12-month programs. It excludes a non-aspirin product. Parents are encouraged to provide additional time at home for rest and recovery from illness.
The following criteria will provide you with the information needed for our exclusion and readmittance policy at A Child's Place.
- Exclusion: Combination of red/pink eye(s), or swollen, matted eyelids associated with ongoing puss, mucus discharge liquid from eye.
- Readmittance: Child diagnosed with conjunctivitis may return after a minimum of one full school day after treatment has begun.
- Exclusion: Excessive evacuation of watery feces associated with listlessness, possible fever, a suspected infectious origin, or not able to control with a normal diapering method.
- Readmittance: Child may return after a minimum of one full school day after diarrhea has subsided.
- Exclusion: Auxiliary (under the arm) temperature of 100.5 degrees or higher.
- Readmittance: Child may return after a minimum of one full school day fever free without the use of fever reducing medications.
Coxsackie Virus/Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- Exclusion: Tiny blisters on-hands, feet or mouth and possible fever.
- Readmittance: The exact amount of exclusion time will depend upon the clinical course of the illness and specifications of the child's licensed practitioner, in accordance with this policy.
Strep Throat
- Exclusion: Sore throat with possible fever.
- Readmittance: Child diagnosed with strep may return a minimum of one full school day after treatment has begun, assuming no fever has been present for one full school day.
Undiagnosed Rash
- Exclusion: An unusual rash or a rash of an unknown origin must be seen by a licensed practitioner to rule out the possibility of infectious conditions.
- Readmittance: Child diagnosed with an infectious rash may return when a licensed practitioner makes the determination. A note is required.
- Exclusion: Repetitive vomiting of stomach contents associated with listlessness, possible fever, or a suspected infectious origin.
- Readmittance: Child may return after a minimum of one full school day after vomiting has subsided.
Bronchiolitis and RSV
- Exclusion: Coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing with or without fever.
- Readmittance: The exact amount of exclusion time will depend upon the clinical course of the illness and the specifications of the child’s pediatrician, in accordance with this policy.
Chicken Pox
- Exclusion: Appearance of lesions.
- Readmittance: Minimum of seven days from the appearance of the first lesion or until all lesions scab. The exact amount of exclusion time will depend upon the clinical course of the illness and the specifications of the child's licensed practitioner in accordance with this policy.
Croup and Pneumonia
- Exclusion:Barking cough with or without fever.
- Readmittance: The exact amount of exclusion time will depend upon the clinical course of the illness and the specifications of the child’s licensed practitioner in accordance with this policy.
- Exclusion: Fever, lethargy, congestion, aches, pains and possible fever.
- Readmittance: Absence of symptoms for at least one full school day. The exact amount of exclusion time will vary according to the clinical course of the illness and the specifications of the child's licensed practitioner, in accordance with this policy.
For example: A diagnosed ear infection, sinus infection, etc.
- Exclusion: If child exhibits unusual irritability, lethargy, wheezing and/or general inability to function in group care.
- Readmittance: A child who is receiving antibiotic therapy treatment for any of the above illnesses may return after 24 hours (one full-school day) after treatment has begun.
Other Reasons for Exclusion
- Exclusion: Extreme irritability unusual for particular child, extreme lethargy, extreme discomfort. Child cannot participate in the ordinary activities of the program.
- Readmittance: Absence of above symptoms.
- The child may be isolated within the classroom in a quiet spot arranged for his/her comfort until parent arrives.
- We will attempt to contact he parent or guardian, or emergency contact.
- A staff member will remain with the child until picked up.