A Child's Place maintains written policies that guide our approach to major issues and provide a common understanding of many practical and safety related issues. Our policies reflect current state and federal regulations as well as best practices in early childhood educaiton. We suggest that all parents become familiar with our policies and we encourage you to contact your child's head teacher or the Executive Director if you have any questions. Our programs and policies reflect the contributions of all involved and are updated regularly to reflect parent feedback as well as changes in state and federal regulations and best professional practices.
- Teaching staff supervise by positioning themselves to see as many children as possible.
- Teaching staff supervise infants and toddlers/twos by sight and sound at all times.
- When infants and toddlers/twos are sleeping, mirrors, videos, or sound monitors may be used to augment supervision in sleeping areas, but such monitors may not be relied on in lieu of direct visual and auditory supervision.
- Sides of cribs are checked to insure they are up and locked.
- Teachers, assistant teachers or teacher aides are aware of, and positioned so they can hear and see, any sleeping children for whom they are responsible, especially when they are actively engaged with children who are awake.
- Teaching staff supervise children primarily by sight. Supervision for short intervals by sound is permissible, as long as teachers check frequently on children who are out of sight.